Tuesday 14 April 2015


This morning I went outside to do chores and the birds were so busy, chirping away and fluttering about everywhere. Gathering nesting materials and building.  All different kinds doing their spring thing...living...doing what they were designed to do.

I don't think they have days where it's like, "I'm just not going to build that nest today, or I'm not going to gather my own food,  or I don't really feel like setting on these eggs all day, I'm outta here." They live by instinct and that instinct enables them to survive.

But we on the other-hand are creatures of choice...every day choices are laid before us.  From the moment we wake there are choices to be made.  

And this life I live is a mixture of...

joy and sorrow

light and shadow

laughter and tears

smiles and frowns

sickness and health

mountaintops and valleys

life and death

And it's all a choice in how I walk it out.

I have a tendency at times to be so consumed with the tough things and problems in life that it drags me down and I shut this heart of mine.  Yet often times I am reminded of my cousin's late husband who said every problem was an opportunity.

He's right...every difficulty I face is an opportunity.  It's an opportunity to grow...to learn...to live fully in the hard places.

I serve a God who is so much bigger than any problem or difficulty I could ever face and He's right there with me.

"In this world you will have trouble but take heart, for I have overcome the world."  Comforting words from my Saviour.

Troubles should be no surprise, they're a guarantee. I was never promised a life of ease.

It's the very tough things in life that have the potential to strengthen me and actually birth life in me.

And so I'm learning not to shut this heart of mine and go into lockdown when problems arise, because heart lockdown kinda keeps me isolated and that's not a good place to be, especially when I'm feeling overwhelmed.

Also, it's laughter in the midst of struggle that can be good medicine for the heart.

And so, this morning in the midst of our difficult place I had a little fun punching match with my husband as he was headed out the door.  We laughed because laughter is good and it releases life and it can lighten the shadows, it can bring joy in the midst of sorrow and it can turn our frowns upside down :)  Oh the difficulty doesn't go away but in the choice of laughter I don't allow it to steal all life, it opens this heart of mine and brings us closer.

As my husband likes to remind me, "We're a team Tina...we're a team...don't forget that."

I won't...we're a team and every problem we face is an opportunity.

Things to be thankful for...

685. Blue sky
686. Grocery shopping with Sarah
687. Encouraging words from a friend
688. Gorgeous spring day
689. Great visit with my sister and brother-in-law
690. Morning fog
691. Good Friday - Jesus' sacrifice for me

692. My friend Betty John
693. Safe travels
694. A grandchild on the way for Tanya and Richard
695. Junior and Henrietta enjoying the creek

696. Gorgeous evening sky, beautiful pink and orange rimmed clouds
697. He has RISEN, the grave is empty

698. Easter dinner with family and friends
699. Tulips poking through the ground
700. Charissa cleaning the kitchen
701. Junior and Henrietta, entertaining to watch
702. Ice cream at Reids with the girls
703. Chatting with Jocelyne as she drives home
704. Gorgeous day

Found these little guys while cleaning out the rock garden.

705. Busy birds

706. Yard work
707. First day hanging laundry on the line since fall

708. Getting more yard work done
709. Health and strength
710. Beautiful colour tones on the Frink Centre boardwalk

711. Photographing with Matt

712. Charissa is finished school!!!
713. Morning thunderstorm
714. Nieces
715. Kind words from my sister-in-law
716. Tank loaded on the trailer with no issues
717. Quiet day
718. Dinner with Charissa
719. Church community, encouraging words - blessed
720. Gorgeous day
721. Charissa out riding Daytona

722. Conversation with good friends
723. Matt's photographic skills
724. Tank enjoying his new home

Kayla's boy is finally home :)
725. Cousins

Kayla and her dad out for a walk enjoying the new property.

726. Knitting, Jocelyne's sweater is almost finished

727. New opportunities
728. Confirmation and open doors
729. Gorgeous spring morning
730. Dad fertilizing the pastures for me

Tiny nest made out of horse hair.

731. Morning sunlight hitting the treetops
732. Birds crazy busy in the yard this morning
733. My husband, a good man


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Great post, Tina! I have to say that one of the biggest lies I was brought up to believe was that the goal was happiness through ease. I interpreted that not to mean that everything would be easy, but that I would get to choose what to apply my hard work to! LOL!

    Turns out the things that I thought were supposed to be there for my comfort and ease actually require the most hard work. But, as you say, the hard things provide the most growth, if we don't close our hearts.

    I find it hard to believe that a heart that sees so much beauty in simple things through her camera can be shut for long. :)

  3. Always enjoy your musings and list of blessings. The images are wonderful, as always. Love that sweater you are knitting! Am I your #692? Or do you know another? Either way, warms my heart!
