I am a woman, daughter, wife, mother, sister, friend and child of the King. Life is a gift and it’s my heart’s desire to live it to the fullest for the glory of God, though often times I fail miserably. Yet I am thankful for each new day, a day of new opportunities.
I was raised in a Christian home went to the Christian schools and feel very blessed to have been given that foundation in my life, though realize that just because I grow up that way immersed in Christianity doesn't make me a Christian. I still had that personal choice to make, to bend my knee to Jesus and ask Him to be Lord of my life, placing my life in His hands. And this life with Him has been a journey and will continue to be so till He calls me home, I'll stumble, I'll reach the mountain tops and I'll have to live in the valleys but the one sure thing is that He will always be there.
I love country life and live on 42 acres with my husband of 26 years whom I met in grade nine. I couldn't imagine life without him, he's been my greatest encourager and is one excellent husband and father.
We have been blessed with four children, two boys and two girls, I'm a stay at home mom and like it that way :-) and feel blessed that I am able to do so. Our oldest son was married to his beautiful wife in August 2014. Over the last few years our house has slowly emptied out and only our youngest son lives at home now. That's been a big change for me and along with that comes trying to discern what is next in my life. Though I'm sure with my husband heading back to school my key role will be a support to him.
In our family we also have a dog named Black Jack, a cat named Bandit and two horses, Amadeous and Daytona. Animals have always been a part of my life as I grew up on a dairy and beef farm.
Anyway, it’s really hard to write about yourself, like what do you really say. I’m Canadian but of Dutch heritage. I love chocolate, but don’t most women :-) I love the great outdoors, except when there are lots of black flies and mosquitoes! My favourite seasons are spring, winter and fall, summer can be too hot for me. The hot drink I like best is chai tea with a spoonful of honey, it hits the spot on a cold day. A nice bbq’d steak, baked potato and salad is my favourite meal. I have a passion for photography and love to capture the beauty in God's great big world, whether that be in the nature around me or the people I stroll through life with.