Wednesday, 7 September 2011

A Great Place to Be...

Going for a walk in the woods is always a great place to be, especially on a beautiful fall like day.  Jocelyne, Black Jack and I went on a mushroom hunt yesterday, seeing how many different types of mushrooms we could find.  I took pictures of them and it's amazing the variety that are out there, all different colours, shapes and sizes. Some of these mushrooms just spring up over night and don't last long once the sun hits them, here today gone tomorrow.  So I just thought I'd share some of our findings.

I loved the colour of these little guys, such a beautiful teal blue.

Some beautiful red and orange ones.

This one was our prize find, such a gorgeous yellow mushroom.

This decaying log had such a variety of mushrooms growing on it, these black ones were so cute and tiny and the other things looked like bits of coral.

Some more red and orange beauties.

We thought these were pretty cool growing on the side of this tree, a whole stack of mushrooms.

I loved the sunlight in this shot of Jocelyne and Black Jack

Our big find...a huge can actually eat these so we took this one home for my mom put it on a plate on her counter and left her a note telling her we'd found dinner :-)

Ending this with a little Jocelyne and Puffball bokeh...the sunshine was beautiful!


  1. This is a really wonderful collection of photos! Such variety! The size of that last one is incredible. That could feed an entire family! You should post to Flickr as well. There's a lady who used to have only mushrooms in her stream, but I don't think she posts any longer. Nice to see you back in blogland again. :)

  2. Awesome pics Tina! How do you mail the exposure every time!?! I can't seem to master that w/my digital!

    I left a comment via IE after linking from my blog and kept getting the message that I did not have permission to view you site. Hope you haven't banned me - I your biggest fan! (Oops, I sound like Annie Wilkes in the movie Misery!)

  3. Love the stunning colours and the beautiful lighting. :)

  4. Hi Tina,
    wonderful photos! But how do you know that these mushrooms are really safe to eat??

    All the best,

