Wednesday, 4 May 2011


I've changed my blog layout yet again...I just can't decide what I like best and so I keep fiddling around with it.  I think I like this layout because it's simpler and cleaner looking and so I think I'll keep it this way for a while :-)

So much time can be consumed when I just can't seem to decide on something.  I remember this with my Project 365, it was awful.  I don't know if you've ever been to the eye doctor but they put this big device up to your face and there are lenses that you look through and the doctor keeps changing them and she'll ask is one clearer or two and then she'll go on and say two or three...three or four, etc until you're at the point where you see clearly.  So my family felt this way when I went through my pictures for my 365, I'd take so many and then I couldn't decide which one to post.  And so I'd go through them like the eye doctor, which one is better one or two, two or three, etc.  My kids got sick of it and would say "just pick one, they're all good."

So where am I going with this...I guess at times our lives can be so full of things to do and we can't decide where to start or what to begin with.  I know my life is that way, I do a little bit here and a little bit there and at the end of the day it could seem that I haven't completed one thing but just bits of different things.  My husband and I are opposites when it comes to this, he's a list person who works from the top of the list down. I may have a list too but I'm not good at completing it in order or necessarily completing some of the things on that list in their entirety :-)  I know I need to find more balance in life and I'm working on it but change always takes time.

Also, I find I can have so many different things to do that to sit down and just relax and read is so hard.  A friend of mine gave me a book a number of weeks ago and I still haven't read it.  But tonight I think I may curl up on the couch with a cup of chai tea and give it a read.  For life is all about balance and we'll never get everything done and I'm okay with that, I'd go crazy if I wasn't.


  1. Surely yall didn't go through your pics as fast as the eye doctor does...without giving you a chance to actually see which is better! However you came up with the pics to post, each was masterful!

    Like you, I'm all over the place, and I don't accomplish much. And when I sit down to read, I don't get up till the book's finished. But it's such a worthwhile pastime. Enjoy!

  2. Oh, after I saw your blog the first time, mine felt "off." So I changed my template. Thanks for the inspiration.

  3. I visited yesterday and I have to say I like this layout is cleaner and simpler :-) Love the self portrait and I hope you enjoy your book!

  4. Love the new layout. I agree that it is much cleaner and I love the green and beige combo. Not that anything was wrong with the first one, but now that I've seen both, I prefer this one. :)

    It is so hard to find time for the things we really love. You're right that we often can't do it all and that's okay.

    I LOL'd at the analogy of the optometrist visit. When I have my camera on continuous high speed shooting and it's going rat-a-tat-tat so fast, I know I'm going to be looking later that night going cross-eyed.
