Monday, 27 May 2013

Spring beauty and One Thousand Gifts...Days 142 ~ 146

Spring is so beautiful with all it's splashes of colour.  It's amazing how after the barrenness and muted tones of winter all this colour bursts forth.  And the makings of it has all been lying dorment below the surface waiting for the Spring rains and warmth of the sun to awaken what has been there all along.  Our Creator God is amazing.  

One Thousand Gifts journaled for days 142 ~ 146

424. A quiet day
425. Bird songs through the open bedroom window
426. Joy in the youngest son when telling us the story of how he saved a turtle on the highway
427. Charissa doing some errands for me in town
428. An afternoon visit
429. Chocolate bar from Jocelyne - I love chocolate :)
430. Very cool sunny afternoon - perfect for cutting the lawn
431. Laughter with friends
432. Good clean humour
433. Safe travels to Ridgetown
434. Beauty of acres and acres of farm land just planted
435. A good visit with family in Ridgetown
436. Gorgeous sunny afternoon to sit outside and chat
437. Matt doing something special for his sisters
438. Our oldest son Will alive for the Lord 

1 comment:

  1. I was captured by the beauty of your photos. So lovely! I especially loved your #438. Sons serving the Lord are the best. So glad I stopped by from Ann's linkup.
