Wednesday, 24 April 2013

One Thousand Gifts...Days 103 ~ 113 and a trip to Cuba!

So the kids have planned a trip to Cuba…without me :)

Warm sunny beaches, here they come!

This was a spur of the moment thing.  Charissa just finished her first year of college and she wanted to take a bit of a holiday and get away and go somewhere warm.  And since Spring has had a hard time producing some warm temps she decided to go to Cuba with her older brother but then they thought the other sister should come too, they'd love for the younger bro to come but that just won't work out.  

Now convincing the other sister to come on the trip was quite the chore, she's a super saver and this trip was going to cost her and break into some of her funds and she don't part too easily with those funds if she don't have to.

The trip was all planned in a matter of two days.  Texts between everyone were flying as the older bro is in TO, the youngest sister was at home, the older sister was babysitting and me and their pa were away celebrating my sister's 40th birthday.

Just to give you a flavour of some of the conversation between the three eldest and me and their pa here's some of the texting that was exchanged while we were in Burlington…

Will: Me and Charissa are going to go.  Jocelyne doesn't want to tho

Me: Oh

Will: Well that's not really a surprise, but we were hoping that she would

Me: Yeah it would be neat if she would.  Did you check out the place.  How far is it from the airport and how will you get to the resort.

Will: Yeah, it's a 5 star built last year, great reviews and for the week we're going it's $300 cheaper

Me: You have to be careful with drivers out there.

Me: What's the weather like at this time of year.

Me: It's not rainy season is it

Will: Shuttle bus from airport to resort

Will: Nope 35 degrees and sunny

Me: You can't be wandering off resort

Will: Mom we'll be safe

Me: Won't you get bored sitting around for a week

Will: No way

Will: With Charissa on a beach in a place I've never been with all I can eat food 24 hours a day

Me: The foods not the greatest

Me: So don't have high expectations about the food

Will: This resort there hasn't been any complaints we've read a lot of reviews

Me: And watch what you drink

Me: Bottled water only

Will: Yup

Will: Lots of pepsi

Me: Do you need to get any vaccinations before going there

Will: Nope, just medical insurance

Me: Did you check into it…vaccinations

Will: Yes

Me: Get insurance at the bank

Me to Charissa: So Will says you're going to Cuba

Charissa: Yep most likely

Charissa: You okay with that?

Me: Yep

Me: Dad says if you've prayed about it weighed it out.  Go for it!

Me: Did you order your tickets

Me: Talked to Nicole she said its fine for Joce to go

Jocelyne babysits full time for Steve and Nicole since they have been very busy building a house together and so she would hate to leave them in a pickle with no one to help with the kids.  

Charissa: So do you think she will?

Charissa: Can you call Joce and talk to her about it

Charissa: Joce won't go….

Charissa: What if you guys bought her ticket and then she could pay you back, deep down she wants to go

Charissa: Did you call?

Charissa: We could go for 5 days if she would rather but it will be the same price as 7 days

For a super saver like Jocelyne the above text would be a no go for sure, she'll want to get the best deal for her buck :)

Me: I texted her but haven't heard back.  I called and she didn't answer

Charissa: Can you call the house

Me: I don't think they have a phone only cell phones

Charissa: Oh, so what should we do

Me: Wait

Charissa: Ok

Charissa: Can we just buy 3 tickets then she has to go?  She has the money even though she thinks she doesn't.

Me: No that's not fair

Charissa: Ok

Charissa: Will says it's an intervention, she never does anything with her money or goes anywhere with people

Hmmm...intervention, see what happens when your kids go to university and learn all this psychology, personality and parenting stuff, it's like they suddenly know how to parent better then the ones who raised them :-)

Me: No

Will: I don't know why she doesn't want to go

Will: It would be so good for her

Me texting Jocelyne…

Me: Joce Steve and Nicole really want you to go with Charissa and Will

Me: I talked to her today

Yes as a mom I meddled in my kids business, it's an intervention as Will mentioned earlier :) Sometimes you just gotta do a little meddling, kinda like pushing the bird out of the nest.  And beside you know the quote "It takes a village to raise a child."  Nicole & Steve are part of the village in this case.

Me: Hello

Me: Joce

Me: Are you there

Me: Dad & I really think you should go

Me: This is Dad, I have given my blessing to the trip, and I think it would be really good for you to join them.  This is not to pressure you but only to share my thoughts.  I think it is really neat to see my children do something like this.  Hope you seriously consider it.  They need to buy ASAP though because the price is going up.  Love you.

I like to break up my texts into little texts, it means the phone will beep or whatever more often in order to get their attention.  

Jocelyne: Stop texting you are wasting my money

The above text was the one and only text from Jocelyne because texting wastes her money.

Will: Did you call her

Me: Joce told dad and I to stop texting her

Me: so not sure if she'll go

Charissa: Can you call her and talk we really want her to

Charissa: Did you just call

After the one and only text from Jocelyne, because texting wastes her money she gave us a call and consented to going on the trip!

Me: She'll go.  Book it!

Charissa: What!?!

Me: Yeah!!!!!

Charissa: Seriously!?!

Me: Yeah!!!!

Charissa: Really!?!

Me: Yes!!!!

Me to Will: Joce is going

Will: Hey, we're going to Cuba!

Me: Really!

Will: Yup

Me: You'll have to stay close to the girls when you're there

Me: Keep them safe

Will: Yup

Me: Isn't it exciting that Joce is going

Will: Ha yeah what convinced her?

Me: Dad I think

Will: Why? How?

Me: Dad sent her this text: This is Dad, I have given my blessing to the trip, and I think it would be really good for you to join them.  This is not to pressure you but only to share my thoughts.  I think it is really neat to see my children do something like this.  Hope you seriously consider it.  They need to buy ASAP though because the price is going up.  Love you.

Will: Nice!

Will: That's cool for dad to say and mean

Me: Your dad has a good heart

Me: He's a wise man

Will: Yup

Me: And takes seriously raising and teaching his kids to live a wise and godly life

Will: Yep we know and appreciate it

Me: And would rather engage them in the tough places at the risk of them getting mad rather than being passive in his parenting

Will: Mmhmm

So yes these kids of mine are heading off to Cuba on Friday and you know it makes my heart feel really full.  Though reading through some of my texting you'd think I was a real naggy ma but you know it's just the mom thing…making sure they'll be safe and think of every thing :)  As their mom I feel very blessed, these kids who used to fight, bug, bother and at times seemed to hate each other are now heading off on a vacation together…all grown up and it's beautiful.  They're super excited and I'm just really happy for them that as siblings they can experience this.  Of course they wish the younger bro could go and so do I but it just wouldn't work out this time.  They're going to have to bring him back a pretty awesome souvenir since he had to miss out :-)

Shell collecting is on the agenda!

They're going to need lots and lots of this!

Definitely can't forget these!

This was back in 2007, the first time our kids had ever set foot in the ocean...well it was the gulf of Mexico but it was salt water and they loved it.  

Will and his brother in 2007...he feels pretty badly that the young bro won't be able to come with them :(  Looking at this pic I can't believe how much taller they've gotten at 6' 4" and 6' 3"!

Have fun! Stay safe! Watch out for each other! Be blessed and be a blessing!
Can't wait to hear all about your trip when you get back!

One Thousand Gifts journaled for days 103 ~ 113

307. Quiet space with the husband
308. Jesus our Redeemer
309. A visit from friends
310. The sun came out this morning
311. Amazing Grace
312. A husband who is patient with his son
313. Reduced fine for our son
314. Gorgeous Spring day
315. Great walk and talk with a neighbour
316. Will completed his first year at Tyndale
317. THe sound and feel of the wind just before the rain
318. Enjoying an evening of worship with my husband - lead by Paul Baloche
319. Beautiful sunshine
320. A chat with the eldest son
321. The cross - the great leveller
322. The morning rain
323. Flash of vibrant red of the cardinal in the woods
324. Celebrating my sister's 40th birthday
325. Three eldest going on a trip together
326. Accomplishments - full day
327. Photography
328. My bed at the end of a long day
329. Worship with God's people
330. The beauty of Spring - oh such beautiful sunshine
331. Kids excited for a trip to Cuba
332. Beautiful day to hang laundry
333. To be able to teach some kids about photography
334. The smell and feel of fresh sheets from being hung on the line to dry
335. Sunshine warm on my face
336. Sitting on the deck chatting with Silas, Jocelyne and the husband
337. The gift of life
338. Grace in my failures

"This day I call heaven and earth as witnesses against you that I have set before you life and death, blessings and curses.  Now choose life, so that you and your children may LIVE."
Deuteronomy 30: 19

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