In my house there are so many Bibles...I think at one time I counted 15 or more. We do have four kids and some of the 15 were there's. I live in a society where Bibles are so readily available and yet they collect dust just sitting around. Do I realize this gift that I have when in other countries this very Book is not permitted and Christians in those countries treasure even pages of this beloved Book. Do I realize that through the centuries my Christian brothers and sisters have died over this very Book and the dust here settles and collects and the pages remain unopened because life is busy, life is full, life times empty in it's fullness because He is the only One who can make it full.
It is said that in 167 BC. Antiochus Epiphanes and his henchmen tried to destroy all copies of the Jewish Scripture. All books they found were torn to pieces and burned with fire. Anyone who was found possessing the Book of the Covenant was condemned to death. During his seven year reign thousands of Jews were executed...and the pages here are barely worn and the dust collects because we don't realize the treasure we have.
In AD 303 the Roman emperor Diocletian instituted the "Great Persecution" against Christians. He attempted to exterminate the Church and decreed that every manuscript of the Bible be seized and destroyed. But even through this terrible age the Word survived...yet here the dust collects and the pages remain barely worn.
If there is one thing I have so wanted to teach and instill into my children it's the importance of this one Book and it's life giving Words...the very breath of God...His truth. Yet I/they live in a society that is full of so many things, we allow so much to steal from the time we need to be spending in His His presence. Psalm 16:11 says "You have made known to me the path of life; you will fill me with joy in your presence, with eternal pleasures at your right hand." What a promise from the very One who knows us best.
Am I hungry for I thirsty for Him...for His Word that is Life, or do I live in a state of lethargy when it comes to His Word...not knowing that I am in desperate need of Him and His life giving Word. In John 6:35 Jesus declared, "I am the bread of life. He who comes to me will never go hungry, and he who believes in me will never be thirsty."
If I am to know God and know His will then I need to get into His Word...not just when I feel like it or when I think I have time but every day. Just as in the physical my body needs food and drink daily so it is in the spiritual...He is that daily bread of life, that daily living water that quenches this dry and thirsty soul.
And He waits for me to come to Him and He desires to speak to teach correct love be with me.
This morning I read Psalm 103 and here's what I learned about God's character...
- Holy
- forgiving
- healing
- redeeming
- compassionate
- gracious
- slow to anger
- does not harbour
- loves greatly
- everlasting love
- righteous
- satisfies
- just
- will not always accuse
- does not treat me as my sins deserve
- abounding in love
- does not repay me according to my iniquities
Why would I not want to spend time with this kind of God...blow the dust off those Bibles...may the pages be worn with use and may my/your relationship with God flourish and touch this broken world with a love and truth that passes all understanding and is so desperately needed. May the cloak of lethargy be torn off that you may hear the whisper of His voice and be drawn to seek Him.
Gifts journaled for days 67 ~ 69
199. Precious gift from two special friends
200. Sunshine warm on my face
201. Daughters who give so much to the little ones
202. Listening to Sierra say BEAUTIFUL
203. Walk through the woods
204. Three eldest kids out together
205. Something lost was found and at that moment the sun broke through
206. Husband out enjoying a ride on his bike
207. Sound of geese flying overhead ~ Spring is on it's way :)
Sometimes (most times) I feel so far away from God. Satan has learned to distract us from Him in this technological age we're in. It's so easy to check email, Facebook, and watch a program on tv. And do all three at once, yet it's hard to open the word. Still in a fog..